It’s almost time to ring in the holidays, and we’re here to help. Share the joy of the holidays with your callers on hold with one of
Walsh Media’s four festive Holiday Message or Music on Hold Productions for 2024.
Simply listen to your choices below and decide which one production you would like to receive. Then, when you’ve made your selection, contact your Walsh Media Project Manager for pricing and to process your request.
Secular Production
w/ Holiday Courtesies
Traditional/Religious Production
w/ Holiday Courtesies
Secular Music Only Production
Traditional/Religious Music Only Production
“What if I want to pick and choose which courtesies I want?”
All six courtesies are included in the two generic productions with voice over. Any deletions and/or changes constitute a Custom Production (and are subject to Custom Production pricing and/or use of one of your contracted productions,
if available). Please contact your Project Manager for more information if you wish to do a custom production.
Cassettes or electronic files will be shipped the week of November 18th, 2024.
Walsh Media cannot guarantee production delivery by December 1st for requests received AFTER Thursday,
October 31st, 2024.
Have questions about the holiday program? We’ll be happy to answer them!